Golden boots is an annual association football award presented to the leading goalscorer at the premiere league. Other than the award,  the topscorer is also awarded some amount of money for each goal scored during the entire season.        In the season that has just ended, the  2018_2019 English Premier League, a record-breaking success has been set. This is after the golden boots was shared among three players : Mohammed Sarah Hamed Mahrous  an Egyptian , Sadio Mane a Senegalese and Pierre-Emerick Aubumeyang a Gabonese.             

Mohamed Salah Hamed Mahrous , an Egyptian led the squad by first netting twenty two goals in the English Premier League who plays for Liverpool as forward. At anfield several assists have been made by him to his teammates which have led to the shining of the club. Perhaps of the injuries, he recovered  and has been in a position to give his best performance.Salah aided his national team to qualify for 2018 FIFA world cup  at Rashia  where he played most matches before they were kicked out.         

On the other hand ,   Salah’s teammate at English Premier League , Sadio Mane was also not left behind. The Senegalese player and also who is also Liverpool’s winger contributed to the record.He too scored twenty two goals. Through his experience in the football carrier field he has gained from the various trams he has played for other than Liverpool, perseverance of hard times and being self disciplined he was able to do his best performance and became a member of those who shared the golden boots. During the season he also made some assists to teammates as they were playing against big teams like man-city , a club that had wined the previous season with a hundred points. With his passion in his career with high expectations to top the league , they found themselves being the runners up with only one point behind man-city, a club that has now retained the tittle for tow consecutive seasons with ninety eight points.       

Pierre_ Emerick  Aubumeyang , a Gabonese who was among the joint winners who won the golden boots. He is the Gunner’s, Arsenal’s striker. Being passionate about his carrier and a team worker , twenty two goals were netted by him in the club while playing against various clubs. Through his journey in his carrier he has gained expedience under different coaches and clubs he has been able to play and showed his good game. Since 31 January 2018 when the he came to Fly Emigrates when the transfer window was opened his presence has been of good help.       

Though they both played for English Premier League with Salah and Mane under  Liverpool Aubumeyang under Arsenal the golden boots are worth for Africa. This is due to the fact that they both have an origin in Africa

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